⋆ Format: This will be run as a cover lotto given my sporadic schedule, meaning requests are 100% noncommittal on my end - your request is not guaranteed to be fulfilled until I confirm your form. Credit to soulofstaars for the concept!
⋆⋆ Requests: You can make multiple & each will be considered separately. I will reply to your form if it is accepted.
⋆⋆⋆ Work status: Your story does not need to be published.
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Shop hopping & canceling: On shop hopping, please just respect other designer's rules on the matter. Let me know asap if you choose to cancel your request.
⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ Payment: Please credit me in the story description while you are using the cover!
form (comment here)
SUBTITLE. Optional.
FANDOM. If any.
SUBGENRE(S). Optional, but it would be useful for me to get a better idea of what your story is about! :3 (Ex. Political noir + suspense/thriller, etc.)
CHARACTER(S). Max two (2). Please also specify the series they are from so that I don't mix things up (Character A from Series X)! Your request is more likely to be accepted if your face claim(s) has abundant resources available.*
MISC. Color scheme/objects/other details.
In general, detailed forms are preferred! The more specifics you give, the easier it will be for me to latch on to a certain aspect of your story and come up with ideas pertinent to your request. ^w^
* - for personalized OCs, it would be easier for me if you referenced them in terms of existing characters/models instead of giving generic over arching descriptions ("Character A from Series X but with blue eyes" instead of... idk, "tall girl with wavy brown hair, freckles, and blue eyes" or something lol). I will be less inclined to accept your request if it involves me having to find face claims for your character on my own, if that makes any sense. 🥲
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